Solidity API
This contract facilitates the following:
- deposits
- creation and voting of deposit proposals
- deposit executions
- rollup executions and state settlements
function toUint200(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint200)
function toUint128(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint128)
function toUint40(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint40)
function toUint8(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint8)
Limit relayers number because proposal can fit only so much votes
uint8 _domainID
uint8 _relayerThreshold
uint128 _fee
uint40 _expiry
enum ProposalStatus {
struct Proposal {
enum Bridge.ProposalStatus _status;
uint200 _yesVotes;
uint8 _yesVotesTotal;
uint40 _proposedBlock;
mapping(uint8 => uint64) _depositCounts
mapping(bytes32 => address) _resourceIDToHandlerAddress
mapping(uint72 => mapping(bytes32 => struct Bridge.Proposal)) _proposals
event RelayerThresholdChanged(uint256 newThreshold)
event RelayerAdded(address relayer)
event RelayerRemoved(address relayer)
event RolluperAdded(address rolluper)
event RolluperRemoved(address rolluper)
event Deposit(uint8 destinationDomainID, bytes32 resourceID, uint64 depositNonce, address user, bytes data, bytes handlerResponse)
event ProposalEvent(uint8 originDomainID, bytes32 resourceID, uint64 depositNonce, enum Bridge.ProposalStatus status, bytes32 dataHash)
event ProposalVote(uint8 originDomainID, uint64 depositNonce, enum Bridge.ProposalStatus status, bytes32 dataHash)
event FailedHandlerExecution(bytes lowLevelData)
event ExecRollup(uint8 destDomainID, bytes32 resourceID, bytes32 senderResourceID, uint64 nonce, uint64 batchSize, uint256 startBlock, bytes32 proof)
event SettleStateChanges(uint8 originDomainId, bytes32 resourceID, uint64 nonce, uint64 batchIdx, uint64 totalBatch)
modifier onlyAdmin()
modifier onlyAdminOrRelayer()
modifier onlyRelayers()
constructor(uint8 domainID, address[] initialRelayers, uint256 initialRelayerThreshold, uint256 fee, uint256 expiry) public
Initializes Bridge, creates and grants {msg.sender} the admin role, creates and grants {initialRelayers} the relayer role.
Name | Type | Description |
domainID | uint8 | ID of chain the Bridge contract exists on. |
initialRelayers | address[] | Addresses that should be initially granted the relayer role. |
initialRelayerThreshold | uint256 | Number of votes needed for a deposit proposal to be considered passed. |
fee | uint256 | |
expiry | uint256 |
function renounceAdmin(address newAdmin) external
Removes admin role from {msg.sender} and grants it to {newAdmin}.
- It must be called by only admin.
Name | Type | Description |
newAdmin | address | Address that admin role will be granted to. |
function adminPauseTransfers() external
Pauses deposits, proposal creation and voting, and deposit executions.
- It must be called by only admin.
function adminUnpauseTransfers() external
Unpauses deposits, proposal creation and voting, and deposit executions.
- It must be called by only admin.
function adminChangeRelayerThreshold(uint256 newThreshold) external
Modifies the number of votes required for a proposal to be considered passed.
- It must be called by only admin.
Emits {RelayerThresholdChanged} event.
Name | Type | Description |
newThreshold | uint256 | Value {_relayerThreshold} will be changed to. |
function adminAddRelayer(address relayerAddress) external
Grants {relayerAddress} the relayer role.
- It must be called by only admin.
- {relayerAddress} must not already has relayer role.
- The number of current relayer must be less than {MAX_RELAYERS}
Emits {RelayerAdded} event.
admin role is checked in grantRole()
Name | Type | Description |
relayerAddress | address | Address of relayer to be added. |
function adminRemoveRelayer(address relayerAddress) external
Removes relayer role for {relayerAddress}.
- It must be called by only admin.
- {relayerAddress} must has relayer role.
Emits {RelayerRemoved} event.
admin role is checked in revokeRole()
Name | Type | Description |
relayerAddress | address | Address of relayer to be removed. |
function adminSetResource(address handlerAddress, bytes32 resourceID, address tokenAddress) external
Sets a new resource for handler contracts that use the IERCHandler interface, and maps the {handlerAddress} to {resourceID} in {_resourceIDToHandlerAddress}.
- It must be called by only admin.
Name | Type | Description |
handlerAddress | address | Address of handler resource will be set for. |
resourceID | bytes32 | ResourceID to be used when making deposits. |
tokenAddress | address | Address of contract to be called when a deposit is made and a deposited is executed. |
function adminSetBurnable(address handlerAddress, address tokenAddress) external
Sets a resource as burnable for handler contracts that use the IERCHandler interface.
- It must be called by only admin.
Name | Type | Description |
handlerAddress | address | Address of handler resource will be set for. |
tokenAddress | address | Address of contract to be called when a deposit is made and a deposited is executed. |
function adminSetDepositNonce(uint8 domainID, uint64 nonce) external
Sets the nonce for the specific domainID.
- It must be called by only admin.
- {nonce} must be greater than the current nonce.
Name | Type | Description |
domainID | uint8 | Domain ID for increasing nonce. |
nonce | uint64 | The nonce value to be set. |
function adminChangeFee(uint256 newFee) external
Changes deposit fee.
- It must be called by only admin.
- The current fee must not be equal to new fee.
Name | Type | Description |
newFee | uint256 | Value {_fee} will be updated to. |
function adminWithdraw(address handlerAddress, bytes data) external
Used to manually withdraw funds from ERC safes.
- It must be called by only admin.
Name | Type | Description |
handlerAddress | address | Address of handler to withdraw from. |
data | bytes | ABI-encoded withdrawal params relevant to the specified handler. |
function deposit(uint8 destinationDomainID, bytes32 resourceID, bytes data) external payable
Initiates a transfer using a specified handler contract.
- Bridge must be not be paused.
- {msg.value} must be greater than or equal to {_fee}.
- Handler must be registered with {resourceID}.
Emits {Deposit} event with all necessary parameters and a handler response.
- ERC20Handler: responds with an empty data.
- ERC721Handler: responds with the deposited token metadata acquired by calling a tokenURI method in the token contract.
- ERC1155Handler: responds with an empty data.
- NativeTokenHandler: responds with an empty data.
RollupHandler doesn't support this function.
Name | Type | Description |
destinationDomainID | uint8 | ID of chain deposit will be bridged to. |
resourceID | bytes32 | ResourceID used to find address of handler to be used for deposit. |
data | bytes | Additional data to be passed to specified handler. |
function voteProposal(uint8 domainID, uint64 depositNonce, bytes32 resourceID, bytes data) external
When called, {msg.sender} will be marked as voting in favor of proposal.
- It must be called by only relayer.
- Bridge must not be paused.
- Handler must be registered with {resourceID}.
- Proposal must not have already been passed or executed.
- Relayer must vote only once.
Emits {ProposalEvent} event with status indicating the proposal status. Emits {ProposalVote} event.
Name | Type | Description |
domainID | uint8 | ID of chain deposit originated from. |
depositNonce | uint64 | ID of deposited generated by origin Bridge contract. |
resourceID | bytes32 | |
data | bytes | Data originally provided when deposit was made. |
function cancelProposal(uint8 domainID, bytes32 resourceID, uint64 depositNonce, bytes32 dataHash) external
Cancels a deposit proposal that has not been executed yet.
- It must be called by only relayer or admin.
- Bridge must not be paused.
- Proposal must be past expiry threshold.
Emits {ProposalEvent} event with status {Cancelled}.
Name | Type | Description |
domainID | uint8 | ID of chain deposit originated from. |
resourceID | bytes32 | |
depositNonce | uint64 | ID of deposited generated by origin Bridge contract. |
dataHash | bytes32 | Hash of data originally provided when deposit was made. |
function transferFunds(address payable[] addrs, uint256[] amounts) external
Transfers eth in the contract to the specified addresses. The parameters addrs and amounts are mapped 1-1. This means that the address at index 0 for addrs will receive the amount (in WEI) from amounts at index 0.
Name | Type | Description |
addrs | address payable[] | Array of addresses to transfer {amounts} to. |
amounts | uint256[] | Array of amonuts to transfer to {addrs}. |
function executeRollup(uint8 destDomainID, bytes32 resourceID, uint64 batchSize, uint256 startBlock, bytes32 state) external
Executes rollup.
- It must be called by only relayer.
- Bridge must not be paused.
- Handler must be registered with {resourceID}.
- {msg.sender} must be registered in handler.
Emits {ExecRollup} event which is handled by relayer.
function settleStateChanges(uint8 originDomainID, bytes32 resourceID, uint64 nonce, bytes state, bytes32[] proof) external
Settles state changes.
- Handler must be registered with {resourceID}.
It can be called by anyone.
function getProposal(uint8 originDomainID, uint64 depositNonce, bytes32 dataHash) external view returns (struct Bridge.Proposal)
Returns a proposal.
Name | Type | Description |
originDomainID | uint8 | Chain ID deposit originated from. |
depositNonce | uint64 | ID of proposal generated by proposal's origin Bridge contract. |
dataHash | bytes32 | Hash of data to be provided when deposit proposal is executed. |
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | struct Bridge.Proposal | Proposal which consists of: - _dataHash Hash of data to be provided when deposit proposal is executed. - _yesVotes Number of votes in favor of proposal. - _noVotes Number of votes against proposal. - _status Current status of proposal. |
function _hasVotedOnProposal(uint72 destNonce, bytes32 dataHash, address relayer) external view returns (bool)
Returns true if {relayer} has voted on {destNonce} {dataHash} proposal.
Naming left unchanged for backward compatibility.
Name | Type | Description |
destNonce | uint72 | destinationDomainID + depositNonce of the proposal. |
dataHash | bytes32 | Hash of data to be provided when deposit proposal is executed. |
relayer | address | Address to check. |
function isRelayer(address relayer) external view returns (bool)
Returns true if {relayer} has the relayer role.
Name | Type | Description |
relayer | address | Address to check. |
function executeProposal(uint8 domainID, uint64 depositNonce, bytes data, bytes32 resourceID, bool revertOnFail) public
Executes a deposit proposal that is considered passed using a specified handler contract.
- It must be called by only relayer.
- Bridge must not be paused.
- Proposal must have Passed status.
- Hash of {data} must equal proposal's {dataHash}.
Emits {ProposalEvent} event with status {Executed}. Emits {FailedExecution} event with the failed reason.
Name | Type | Description |
domainID | uint8 | ID of chain deposit originated from. |
depositNonce | uint64 | ID of deposited generated by origin Bridge contract. |
data | bytes | Data originally provided when deposit was made. |
resourceID | bytes32 | ResourceID to be used when making deposits. |
revertOnFail | bool | Decision if the transaction should be reverted in case of handler's executeProposal is reverted or not. |
function _totalRelayers() public view returns (uint256)
Returns total relayers number.
Added for backwards compatibility.
function _onlyAdminOrRelayer() private view
function _onlyAdmin() private view
function _onlyRelayers() private view
function _relayerBit(address relayer) private view returns (uint256)
function _hasVoted(struct Bridge.Proposal proposal, address relayer) private view returns (bool)