
Lab 2 - Using Polkadot-JS Apps


You will use Polkadot-JS App to interact with your running Substrate Node Template.


Run the Substrate Node Template locally, and then goto Polkadot-JS Apps and connect to your local node. Perform the operations outlined in the submission instructions below, and submit the relevant answers / screenshots.

Submission Instructions

  1. Send some tokens from Alice to Bob

    Submission: A screenshot of Polkadot-JS that Alice has a different balance then Bob, with successful event shown in Polkadot-JS Apps. Save it in /your-lab-ans/02 with an indicative name.

  2. Inspect the chain state of the Template pallet, in Developer > Chain State. Then choose the TemplateModule in module dropdown, and inspect the “Something” storage item.

    Submission: A screenshot showing the current storage value of Something. Save it in /your-lab-ans/02 with an indicative name.

  3. Send a transaction (aka extrinsic) of do_something. In Developer > Extrinsics,

    • Set the module to TemplateModule, and choose extrinsic do_something on the next dropdown.
    • Set a number of 10 in the input.
    • Click Sign and Submit

    You should see the transaction submitted. Now, go back and inspect the storage value of Something.

    Submission: A screenshot showing the current storage value of Something. Save it in /your-lab-ans/02 with an indicative name.